Searching for a true move
nurturing body and mind for a brighter tomorrow
What is tm for Christians?
"I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God-- this is your true and proper worship." Apostle Paul, Romans 12:1
"True Move" for Christians is a multi sensory kinetic playspace that pushes the Kingdom of Heaven agenda forward by emboldening followers of Jesus Christ to unapologetically express love for Him. It utilizes kinetic practices to embody biblical principles and the fear-based feelings that withdraw us from those principles; encouraging Christ followers to surrender our bodies as a worshiping tool for Jesus. ​
Youth Pastor, Trinity Church, CT
You led us to embrace our bodies as part of who god created us to be. We were able to connect with god through all of us and not just with our brains and words.
Trinity Church, CT, Member
a Mindfully created truly safe space for participants across ages, socio-economic and cultural lines, experience, and ability to tap into the language of the body. As we transitioned from one exercise to the next, I chose to remain in both the discomfort and joy of not knowing what came next, trusting both myself and my partner, and simply being present; with each movement, I realized this too was both storytelling + worship
Brigham Young University Dance Student reaffirmed to me the profound significance of my identity as a child of God and truly knowing and believing this identity can help me overcome any challenge I face.
Check out the impact Searching for a True Move has had on playshop participants!